What has YouTuber Dhruv Rathee emphasized on NEET UG exam 2024? What scam has NTA done this time?

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YouTuber Dhruv Rathee has raised several significant concerns regarding the NEET UG exam 2024 in a recent Instagram reel. His emphasis is on the irregularities and potential scam conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) in this year’s examination. Here are the key points he highlighted:

  1. Unprecedented Number of Toppers:
  • This year, an unusual occurrence was observed where 67 students were awarded the All India Rank 1, scoring full marks. This is a stark contrast to the previous year, NEET 2023, which had only two toppers. Rathee points out that such a large number of students achieving perfect scores is highly improbable and raises questions about the integrity of the results.
  1. Technical Impossibility in Scoring:
  • Rathee explained the scoring system of the NEET exam, where each correct answer awards +4 marks and each incorrect answer results in -1 mark. In such a system, a student attempting all questions and getting one wrong would score 715, while a student who does not attempt one question would score a maximum of 716. The confusion arises on how students could achieve full marks if they attempted all questions, suggesting a discrepancy that needs explanation.
  1. Grace Marks Controversy:
  • The NTA claimed that the high scores were due to the grace marks awarded to students who did not have sufficient time to complete the exam. However, the exact number of grace marks given and the justification for the time loss were not transparently disclosed. This lack of transparency has led to further skepticism and accusations of unfair practices.
  1. Sudden Shift in Result Date:
  • The NEET UG 2024 results were released on June 4th, ten days earlier than the scheduled date of June 14th. Rathee suggests that this early release was strategically done to divert attention away from the election results, thereby suppressing any potential outcry or protest from the students about the exam results.
  1. Potential Scam:
  • Dhruv Rathee questions if these actions by the NTA are part of a larger scam to cover up discrepancies and irregularities in the exam process. The timing, lack of transparency, and the unexpected results all point towards a possible deliberate attempt to manipulate outcomes and silence dissent.

Dhruv Rathee Official Video

In summary, Dhruv Rathee has emphasized the irregularities in the NEET UG exam 2024 results, highlighting the improbability of the number of toppers, the questionable scoring mechanics, the unexplained grace marks, and the suspiciously early announcement of results. These points suggest a potential scam by the NTA, aimed at covering up flaws and preventing student protests.

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