Chemical Factory Gas Leak in Gujarat: 28 Hospitalized, Bromine Exposure Incident

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In a quiet corner of Gujarat’s Bharuch district, an unexpected incident shook the calm, sending waves of worry through the region. The day began like any other, with the sun spreading its warm light. But fate had other plans, as an unsettling event unfolded at a chemical factory near the peaceful town of Jambusar.

On that Wednesday, the usual hum of machines was replaced by coughs and worried whispers. At the center of it all was a leak that released a dangerous toxic gas, setting off a series of events that would alter the lives of many. A sense of unease spread as workers hurried to escape the harmful fumes filling the air.

The gas was bromine, a substance that should have stayed safely within the factory. But circumstances took a different turn—a fire broke out in a massive tank, breaching its confines and letting the dangerous gas escape into the atmosphere. As the fire flickered and danced, the air turned heavy with the smell of danger.

Orange-coloured smoke hovers above the PI Industries in Gujarat’s Bharuch district following a gas leak. (Photo: Screengrab/ANI)

In the midst of the chaos, everyone struggled to breathe. Men and women who had worked together on ordinary days now joined in a fight for survival. The once-productive environment transformed into a battleground for clean air, as coughs echoed and worried voices pierced the otherwise calm day.

NR Dhandhal, Bharuch’s Resident Additional Collector, recounted the scene. Those affected, fear on their faces, rushed to the hospital, struggling to breathe after unknowingly inhaling the toxic air. Safety measures had failed, and the consequences were felt with every labored breath.

In the midst of this turmoil, a ray of hope emerged—the quick evacuation of over two thousand workers. As the gas spread through the factory premises, time seemed to speed up, pushing everyone to safety. Thanks to the fast response of the authorities, a potential disaster was contained, preventing more casualties in the wake of this unforeseen catastrophe.

“The workers near the tank complained of health issues and were taken to the hospital. The leak has been controlled,” said sub-inspector Vaishali Ahir, her words carrying a mix of relief and concern.

And so, the sun set over a factory that had become the stage for an unexpected battle between human resilience and the unpredictable forces of nature. After the gas leak had passed, there remained a shared understanding of how delicate life can be and the importance of being prepared. Bharuch, once peaceful, had faced a trial, leaving its people with a story to share—a story of strength, unity, and the powerful reminder that the most unexpected events often leave the deepest marks in the fabric of life.

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